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Web Technology

Web Technology services

Enhance your business’s performance with advance Technologies. We deliver, scale, and implement custom software for startups and enterprises to grow your business

Django Development services

Django is a pragmatic Python framework that gained popularity worldwide for building the most sophisticated websites even for the most complex structures of corporate services web technology. The precision and simplicity are what make this powerful framework to build independent applications on the multi-platform services accommodated with robust back-end programming.
Planned by experienced Python developers, it encourages the formation of enhanced web applications with lesser code. Although it is quick, secure, and scalable, the framework conveys the best just whenever used by master developers who are skilled with it.

Django Development Solutions

At Globe tech soft Technologies you can hire Django Developer who we centre on carrying your plans to the real world. We have long stretches of involvement in the effective execution of Django development ventures. We have a demonstrated reputation in accomplishing customer objectives and consistently giving broad Django development administrations. You can re-appropriate Django developers who have great learning of the time cutoff time.

Django Web Application Development

Utilizing Django 1 or Django 2 to construct financially savvy web applications and entrances that are trusted and scalable too

Django Website Development

Making business websites that are outwardly captivating, useful, and responsive, with the adaptable Django framework

Django Mobile App Development

Conveying Django-based intuitive versatile applications for Android and iOS stages and customized to suit the customer's requirements.

Django Template Design

Manufacturing imaginative and engaging Django layouts for web, versatile, and business application development ventures
web api

Web Services and API Development

Utilizing Django to catalyst versatile applications or give access to stage information through steady, secure, and well-archived web administrations and APIs

Django E-trade Development

Building inventive online business and m-trade arrangements with Django to make upgraded shopping encounters.
dj migr

Migration to Django

Encouraging problem-free and dependable migration from the current tech stack to Django with complete responsibility and straightforwardness

Autonomous Testing

Guaranteeing quality for Django fueled applications with expert testing administrations including robotized testing, securities testing, stress, and burden testing, and then some
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Maintenance and Support

Offering reliable upkeep and support administrations for your Django ventures with an accomplished Django development group to deal with the whole perspectives.

Advancements We Offer

A regular Django developer at Globe tech soft is additionally adroit in a large group of different advances that are significant for conveying world-class Django web development ventures.
Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Unix
Web Server Applications: Nginx, Apache, Gunicorn
Web Service: AWS, EC2, S3, RDS, ElastiCache
Platforms: Google App Engine, Sentry, Pinax, ASP
Languages: PHP, Python, JavaScript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Ajax, XML
Architecture: REST, MVC
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MongoDB
Frameworks: Tornado, Flask, Zope, web2py, Satchmo, Tastypie, PyPy
Others: WSGI, Celery, SOAP, jQuery, Whoosh, Highcharts JS, South, PEP 8, Fabric, JSON, Gearman, RabbitMQ, Redis, Pylint, GIT, SVN, OpenERP, Snort
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Python Development Services

Python is a dynamic language that is based on an open-source platform that is used to build robust web applications concluding to high-level standards. And if you are looking forward to a gaming application or web framework for graphic design applications, python development is an ideal choice.
Along with languages helping the developers with data analysis and infrastructure management, Python is vastly adopted as one of the prominent and key driving languages to create a robust experience for the client. In fact, Python is known to be one of the key ingredients in driving the explosions of machine intelligence and big data analytics.

The Benefit of Choosing Python Development

The Proximity of Third Party Modules

There are various third-party modules and tools used in application development. Python is a platform that connects to such modules very easily which makes the development process simpler and faster. This is why Python is the considerate language of developers. It makes development very easy and sophisticated at the same time.

Broad Support Libraries

Python gives an enormous standard library that incorporates zones like web conventions, string activities, web administrations apparatuses, and working framework interfaces. Since Python supports broad libraries, it shortens the length of coding that makes the task simpler for the developers combining every library.

Open Source and Community Development

The open-source permit, OSI helps in utilizing the values of the business that created the Python language. This helps in improving the standards and values of business through the Python application. The development accommodates different engagement modules that facilitate the mailing records and it is driven by the network itself.

Learning Ease and Support Available

Python offers superb meaningfulness and an uncluttered easy-to-learn linguistic structure which encourages fledglings to use this programming language. PEP8, which is a code style rule inspired a better arrangement of coding in the development. Moreover, the wide base of clients and dynamic engineers has brought about a rich web asset bank to empower development.

Easy to Understand Data Structures

Python has worked in rundown and lexicon information structures which can be utilized to build quick runtime information structures. Further, Python likewise gives the choice of dynamic elevated level information composing which decreases the length of help code that is required. An easy understanding of the platform leads to an outstanding development delivery.

Profitability and Speed

Python has a clean arranged structure, gives improved procedure control capacities, and has solid coordination and content handling abilities and its very own unit testing system, all of which add to the expansion in its speed and profitability. Python is viewed as a feasible choice for building complex multi-convention arranges applications.

Expertise We Hold

AWS, EC2, S3, Linux, Windows, Nginx, Apache
Architecture like REST, MVC
Open source Relational Databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL,
Redis, Elastic Search
Sidekiq and Resque background workers
HTML 5 / CSS 3 / Jquery / PHPResponsive interfaces, Bootstrap and Materialize Designs
Git, SVN Client Tortoise SVN

HTML Development Services

HTML5 is a core technology markup language used for structuring and presenting data for the World Wide Web. This is, till now, the final and complete fifth revision of the HTML standard of W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).
Globe tech soft excels in delivering products and services that use HTML5 to the fullest of its potential. We have entered into domains that are yet barely known to many of our competitors, including the material design concept. Our team continually grows and stays abreast of the changes in the web world and strives to deliver solutions that fit our client’s requirements.

Frameworks & Techniques

Twitter Bootstrap
Bootstrap is one of the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS frameworks for building responsive, mobile-first projects on the web. It easily and efficiently scales your websites or applications with a single code base, from smartphones to tablets to desktops via CSS media queries. Moreover, Bootstrap provides extensive, beautiful documentation for common HTML elements and dozens of custom HTML and CSS components.
Less and Sass
We use Less and Sass as preprocessors for CSS. This is because they allow creating clean CSS for programming constructs instead of following static rules. They offer additional leverage over traditional CSS by providing additional syntax that delivers the advantages like nested syntax, the ability to define mixins and variables, and the joining of multiple files.

Our Products

Wrapper apps

Globe tech soft owns just the right expertise to plan, build and deliver wrapper apps to suit your ever-changing demands for platforms. These wrapper apps are basically empty native apps that contain a web view and works for all platforms. The web view is where the real app is then incorporated and finally placed in the market. The marketplace is overwhelmingly populated with these apps today; so what are you waiting for? Don’t let your competitors overrun you. Get started with us now.

Responsive websites

Responsive websites have become more of a trend these days. With a number of mobile users surpassing the desktop audience, it’s time to make a clever shift towards the mobile world; and we are here to help you with that. We deploy HTML and CSS in ways that deliver website scaling to any of the platforms or screen sizes.

Adaptive websites

Whether you want a desktop website scaled to different screen sizes, or a separate mobile website, Globe tech soft can assist you in the most viable ways.

CSS Development Services

As the latest standard for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), CSS3 makes it less requesting for programming architects to make web applications that look awesome on the two PCs and PDAs. In like manner, the architects can join HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to gather a grouping of versatile web applications. Despite being backward flawless with earlier types of CSS, CSS3 consolidates a couple of new modules. These new modules make it less requesting for designers to make web applications and flexible applications by concentrating on different contraptions, working systems, and projects.
If you want to know more about CSS3, join our training programs. Globe tech soft works well and gains lots of praise due to their hard work.

Essential Features of CSS3 Each Web Developer Must Use



CSS3 goes with different impelled selectors. The designers can use the CSS3 selectors despite the CSS2 selectors. The new selectors make it less requesting for fashioners to pick and style DOM segments in perspective of their characteristics. In this way, they are never again required to show classes and IDs for each part.

Box Model

The case measuring a property of CSS3 engages programming specialists to add padding and periphery to the entire edge and width of a part. The designers can basically use the carton measuring standard to impact the parts to bear on in a typical way.


CSS3 goes with another outline mode called versatile box or flexbox. The designers can use flexbox to keep the direction of parts unaltered transversely finish changing exhibits and screen size of devices. The architects can without quite a bit of an extend keep the lead of parts static over different devices by supplanting piece exhibits with versatile box appears.


The component makes it less requesting for originators to revive most HTML segments. They can also breathe life into the HTML segments without using JavaScript or Flash.


The advanced feature of CSS3 makes it less complex for architects to change property estimations over a specific traverse. The designers can roll out improvement impacts just by deciding the CSS property to which the effect will be incorporated and the length of the effect.
3d transform

2D/3D Transformations

The revived standard for CSS reinforces both 3D and 2D changes. The originators can use changes as an effect to change a part’s size, shape, and position. In like manner, they can use the 2D or 3D changes to turn, disentangle, skew, and scale distinctive segments without making additional code.

Bootstrap Development Services

Making a site or application some of the time can take a considerable measure of time and improvement. A CSS structure is typically utilized by engineers and planners as a gadget to expand the procedure. A CSS structure, additionally some of the time alluded to as a front-end system, is a bundle that makes up of predefined HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which must utilize when to start to make out a venture.

A CSS system comprises of the accompanying workings:

HTML code helps make up the arrangement of the pages.
Typography strategy.
CSS to outwardly change how parts show up.
JavaScript to change dynamic components, for example, drop-downs, mounting menus, and so on.
Receptive media question.
Cross-program similarity fixes.

Advantages of Framework

code fast

Code Faster

The entire end of a system is to offer an intermittent structure so that, as a designer, you can begin your coding work proficiently and rapidly.


If you’re working with a gathering of individuals, a system offers structure and consistency among ventures. So you can without much of a stretch switch ventures, think about what naming standard to utilize, and what components approach.


You don’t need to drag a gathering of outsider contents into your code (i.e. rotator) in light of the fact that those qualities are now included inside the system itself.

Downsides of Framework


Sometimes require heaps of progress to influence it to work, which could wind up the value your additional time.


Necessitate documentation for adjustment when refreshing.


Lost an element you require, in which you host to start another third get-together advantage.

Pointless code

Possibly unnecessary code for your ideal circumstance.


Power influences groups to work harder.

SASS and LESS Development Services

There are three essential CSS preprocessors available today, Sass, LESS, and Stylus. In this post, we will contrast the two preprocessors which appear to be the most generally utilized among engineers, Sass versus LESS.
By changing to a preprocessor can help streamline your advancement procedure. We are giving Sass and LESS administrations to the experts and improving their abilities in this stream in web technology.

Few differences between the SASS and LESS

Backtalk Is in Ruby, LESS Is in JavaScript
Backtalk is situated in Ruby and along these lines requires a Ruby introduction. This is no major ordeal on the off chance that you have a Mac. Be that as it may, it is a couple of additional seconds of establishment on the off chance that you have a Windows machine.
To dole out factors: Sass utilizes $, LESS uses @
LESS uses @, Sass utilizes $. The dollar sign has not acquired significance in CSS, while the @ sign does. It’s for things like pronouncing @keyframes or pieces of @media questions. You could credit this one to individual inclination and not a major ordeal, but rather I think the edge here is for Sass which doesn’t confound standing ideas.
Backtalk Has Compass, LESS Has Preboot
LESS has Preboot. less, LESS Mixins, LESS Elements, gs, Frameless, and so forth. LESS’s product bolster is more divided than Sass, bringing about a variety of choices for expansions that may not all capacity a similar way.
LESS Has Better Error Messages Than Sass
In this Hongkiat article, both SASS and LESS were tried for their capacity to report mistakes in language structure. The writer of the article found that LESS had more precise mistake messages in that it revealed the right area of the blunder.

Photoshop Services

Website designing is our prime objective and we are well versed in it. For developing a beautiful website, we use Adobe Photoshop designers and web technology. These designers work in a unique manner by understanding the products and requirements of the customers. They bring out the best uses of the product in a ground-breaking visual effect.
Our Adobe Photoshop designers are experts in modifying an image and bringing out the qualities of your products. The designers are certified for their efforts and can work seamlessly in Adobe Photoshop. The various procedures performed by these designers are

Photoshop – Web Design Tool



Separating products from the image


Editing a part of the image without affecting other parts


Separating the product from an image and discarding the rest
video edit

Video editing

Video editing

Assess your business potentials and find opportunities for bigger success.

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