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Artificial Intelligence



We engineer practical data-driven algorithms to implement machine learning solutions for startups by separating the AI hype from computational realities.

Let’s Make Better world with Technology

Built on the most accurate Artificial intelligence engine in the industry, Observe.AI uncovers insights from all your customer interactions, empowers your team to take the smartest actions in the moment, and automates workflows so you can spread the success across your business. Immediately.
Our Artificial Intelligence Development services redefine the way businesses operate. We, at Globe tech soft a leading AI development company, believe in delivering end to end AI integrated apps covering wide range of industries. Our tailor-made AI solutions help your business to build data-driven strategies, expedite the decision-making process, and deliver a personalized experience to your customers.

Our AI & ML Development Services

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Data Refinement

Aggregation of data from diverse sources. Intelligent acquisition of the essential data points and compilation into logical sets. Preparation of data for Machine Learning processes through cross-correlation and suitable classification.
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Computation of key operational metrics through advanced statistical tools and regression models. AI-driven interpolation and extrapolation to derive business-critical parameters such as revenue growth and customers’ product preferences.
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Data Mining

Custom-built mathematical algorithms to extract intelligence from raw data. Identification of significant patterns and interdependencies, for in-depth understanding of your business. Data Mining tools used various technologies finance, retail
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Purpose- Built Bots

customized bots that use cutting-edge NLP techniques to fulfill business-specific needs—chatbots for customer interactions, bots that enhance process efficiency, or bots that facilitate automation of semi-manual or manual processes.
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Computer Vision

Neural network-powered facial recognition tool that facilitates secure user authentication for onboarding and servicing of customers. Analysis of video streams with the power of AI to determine process improvement possibilities.
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Custom Analyst

Extensive analysis of data with cutting-edge AI algorithms. Creation of appropriate statistical models. Application of powerful regression techniques and mathematical modeling for insightful business decisions. It help business properly import and export.

Alexa Skill Development

Voice supported virtual assistants have found their way into a number of places, in appliances , consumers products , and households as commonplace items. Using voice commands to execute actions, actions , virtual assistants provide time - sensitive information.

Natural Language Process

NLP refers to the branch of computer science—and more specifically, the branch of artificial intelligence .NLP drives computer programs that translate text from one language to another, respond to spoken commands.

Object Recognition

Object recognition is the technique of identifying the object present in images and videos. It is one of the most important applications of machine learning. Object recognition is a computer vision technique for identifying objects in images.
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Data Analytics

Data analytics is the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision making. Data analytics is important across many industries, as many business leaders use data to make informed decisions.
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Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a technique through which you can analyze a piece of text to determine the sentiment behind it. It combines machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to achieve this. It is a powerful technique in Artificial intelligence that has important business applications.
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Business intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) comprises the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis and management of business information. Common functions of business intelligence technologies include reporting, online analytical processing. analytics, t, data mining, process mining.


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Google Mediapipe
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Open AI
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AWS Fargate
Seikit Learn

We are preparing the world for the future

We help enterprises across multiple industries identify otherwise unseen opportunities to make operations more efficient, productive, and profitable.
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Why Business needs Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence is driving a basket full of possibilities across industries and business vertical. From increasing consumer experience to knowing customer segments, better analytics for faster decision making and process automation, the possibilities and use cases are a plenty. Some of the challenges businesses facing which AI can help overcome. Therefore, Artificial Intelligence is the technology that transforms data into improved customer experiences, ensuring stronger relations with customers, more loyalty and as a outcome, a higher profits for your company/business
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Security & Facilities
Public Services
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Smart Cities
Manufacturing mining


Artificial intelligence refers to machines with capabilities that mimic cognitive functions associated with the human mind—most notably learning and problem solving. AI already plays a significant role in the field of content marketing, helping to streamline processes at a time of immense content overload

Custom AI Tools

AI has penetrated into almost every industry, it’s a revolution and every day, more businesses and companies adopt AI to leverage their growth. We have helped several companies to grow their business by building custom AI solutions tailored to their work ecosystem. Our team of expert AI engineers identifies the areas in a business which can be made efficient with the use of AI technologies. Few of the custom AI tools we have built includes language classification application, ALPR systems, solution for value prediction of used cars, marketing campaigns optimization tools and much more.

Transform your existing cameras into ‘smart’ cameras

Experience the versatility of Al Vision and allow your cameras to truly “see” just like humans. Turn your CCTV network into a proactive data collection tool sending you alerts and insights when “events” happen, which can prove to be critical for your manufacturing operations or your Consumer shopping experience. Your cameras essentially become smart, almost like an artificially intelligent human watching every visual feed 24x7x365.
Our Artificial intelligence Vision platform is designed to draw contextual insights from data feed, which will uncover real-time as well as predictive analytics. These insights provide you a rare advantage while building business strategies that evolve with time. AI Vision also eliminates the need to continuously eyeball CCTV monitors and is also adaptable to ever-changing vulnerabilities that can otherwise escape detection.

Globe tech soft

At Globe tech soft, Bring your ideas to life through great expertise and consultations.
Globe tech soft reputation and respect from its client by delivering top-notch customized IT solutions. we have satisfied clients from all over the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is AI and Machine Learning?
Simply put, AI is intelligence exhibited by computers. Machine Learning is a subfield of AI, whereby computers have the ability to learn and develop without being specifically programmed.
How Does Machine Learning Work?
Using a multitude of analytical programmes, algorithms are developed and refined within a process in accordance with your business questions. Machine learning looks at the history of your current data and detects patterns within it, and then adjusts its future actions accordingly.
What Can Machine Learning Do For Me And My Business?
Machine learning in its simplest form will automate repetitive tasks. Data collection, sorting, entry and transformation can all be automated, saving your business crucial time and resources. In a more refined form, it’s able to tell you where and how your business is being successful, and make predictions regarding your businesses’ future.
What Do I Need To Start?
To be able to apply machine learning you need a problem to solve, and you need data relating to this problem. Your data can preferably be in a structured form (within a database or multiple spreadsheets), or an unstructured form (emails and social data).
what is the future of Artificial Intelligence
Automated transport ,taking over dangerous job, robots working with humans
Why Artificial intelligence neede/
Artificial intelligence is now emerging as a key accelerator of the digital transformation.
In market size of artificial intelligence industry?
Artificial intelligence market is expected to grow from USD 21.46 Billion in 2018 to USD 190.61 billion by 2025

Assess your business potentials and find opportunities for bigger success.

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